• http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/10/this-baby-singing-elvis-is-super-cute/


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  • ToBUY TICKETS visit each event's website and follow directions, or call us on the Festival Hotline at 888-406-5885.


    Ben Portsmouth, Tavis Powell
    and Austin Irby
    A Tribute to the King

    August 8, 2013

    On the road to Elvis Week, stop at the Dublin Theater in Dublin, GA for a concert starring Graceland’s Reigning Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Ben Portsmouth with up and coming Elvis Tribute sensation Travis Powell and introducing Austin Irby.

    Tickets cost $25.00 and can be purchased online or by calling 888-406-5885.

    Tickets now on sale!


    Ben Portsmouth
    at the Elvis Presley Birthplace

    August 10, 2013

    Award-winning Elvis Presley tribute artist Ben Portsmouth and the Change of Habit tribute band, from Chicago will perform at the Elvis Presley Birthplace Amphitheater in Tupelo, Miss., on Aug. 10, 2013. The performance will be the culmination of the Birthplace’s annual “Fan Appreciation Day” which features reduced-price admission to Elvis’ house, church and museum, as well as entertainment all day, lunch and storytelling by Tupelo natives who knew Elvis.

    Tickets cost $35.00 and can be purchased by calling 662-841-1245.

    Tickets now on sale!


    Images of the King

    August 11-16, 2013

    Now part of the ElvisFestival.com series of event, Doc Franklin’s Original Images of the King ETA Contest and Showcase, is poised for an exciting future.  We’re pleased to present a great lineup for 2013 including one Showcase of Champions on Monday starring 1991 Champion Doug Church with appearances by last year’s Champion Gordon Elvis, 1988 Champion Michael Hoover and and featuring a very special guest start, Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Cody Slaughter. On Tuesday, we’ll present a second Showcase of Champions starring 2010 Champion and 2012 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Ben Portsmouth with opening performances by 2008 Champion Gino Monopoli and 1999 Champion Irv Cass.

    Images of the King is a great way to kick off your Elvis Week experience and we’ve scheduled our event so you won’t miss a moment of what makes Elvis Week special.  The Images of the King event is not licensed by Elvis Presley Enterprises and is not an official part of Graceland’s Elvis Week.  It is produced and promoted independently by Sherry Management, LLC.

    Tickets now on sale!


    Cliff Wright and the Rockabilly Blues

    August 14, 2013

    Join us for an evening of music mixing the distinctive Memphis Rockabilly sound of the 1950′s, the Delta Blues and Cliff Wright’s guitar backed up by David Fontana and Wade Bernard.

    A self-taught musician, Cliff plays with an intense style reminiscent of some of the guitar greats. Scotty Moore, James Burton, Stevie Ray Vaughan and BB King have influenced Cliff’s playing style. He is an accomplished vocalist with a voice that ranges from the charismatic romanticism of Elvis Presley to the authentically haunting deep baritone of Johnny Cash. Cliff is an interpreter of sound and melodies which gives him the unique ability to recreate musical arrangements bringing to them a new life and progressive sound. Join Cliff as he introduces his new “Rockabilly Blues.”

    Tickets on sale now!


    South Carolina Elvis Festival

    September 12-15, 2013

    One of our new events for 2013 the South Carolina Elvis Festival will be modeled after the Lake George Elvis Festival with free Opening Ceremonies and celebrations, an Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Preliminary, Elvis Tribute Artists performing around town and two big Las Vegas-Style Shows, plus much more.

    The festival will take place at the Newberry Opera House and throughout the historic southern city of Newberry, South Carolina and will star Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artists Shawn Klush and Ben Portsmouth who will be joined by Travis Powell, Michael Chambliss and Cliff Wright, Master of Ceremonies Irv Cass and the Change of Habit Tribute Band.

    Tickets now on sale!


    Elvis Fantasy Festival
    Portage, Indiana

    October 11 - 13, 2013

    The Elvis Fantasy Fest in Portage, Indiana is our opportunity (and yours) to honor Elvis’ legacy of giving.  The event raises funds for the Porter County Special Olympics.  It’s a real community gathering bring our Elvis community together with the community of athletes and parents that make the Special Olympics possible.

    This year’s Elvis Fantasy Fest, themed “My Happiness” celebrates the happiness Elvis brought us through his music and the happiness he brought to many through his charitable efforts.  The weekend will star Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Ben Portsmouth and past champion Dwight Icenhower with appearances by last years winner David Allen and our “Jukebox LIVE” concert which presents some of your favorite ETAs performing tributes to other musical icons.

    Tickets now on sale!

    Pocono Mountains Elvis Festival

    Pocono Mountains Elvis Festival

    October 25-27, 2013

    Join us for fall in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania and celebrate Elvis’ life and legacy at our only invitation only Elvis Tribute Artist Contest.  Twenty fan favorite ETAs will compete in this beautiful setting, plus the weekend features the now infamous “Spooktacular” halloween costume party.  Your chance to dress up and celebrate late into the evening.

    The “Jukebox LIVE” show on Friday night will be followed by a Doo-Wop after hours party with “The Outsiders.”  Saturday night’s show will once again  star Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Shawn Klush and will also feature the 2012 Pocono Mountains Elvis Festival Champion Dwight Icenhower with Master of Ceremonies Irv Cass and the Change of Habit tribute band.

    Tickets now on sale!

    ElvisFestsGAConcept2012 (sm)

    Georgia Elvis Festival

    March 14-16, 2014

    We are pleased to be returning to the wonderful town of Brunswick, Georgia for the second annual Georgia Elvis Festival. The festival will begin on Thursday with a free opening ceremony in Mary Ross Park.  We’ll be presenting a fabulous line up of talent in 2014, including the return of Cody Slaughter, Ted Torres and your 2013 Georgia Elvis Festival Champion Michael Chambliss.  These three great Elvis Tribute Artists will be joined by 2012 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Ben Portsmouth.

    Ticket go on sale Sept. 3rd at 10:00 AM eastern time.


    LakeGeorge.com Elvis Festival

    May 28 - June 1, 2014

    The five-day LakeGeorge.com Elvis Festival returns in 2014 with the them “Elvis: It’s International,” celebrating Elvis musical impact around the globe.   Once again the weekend will star Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Champions; Shawn Klush, Cody Slaughter and Ben Portsmouth. Plus there will be appearances by last years champions and Elvis Tribute Artists from around the globe.  Plus another incredible “Jukebox LIVE” show, our tribute to the history of rock and roll.

    The festival is held in the picturesque vacation town of Lake George, NY.  In addition to our big shows and the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist contest with over 50 contestants, events take place aboard steamboats on Lake George and throughout the community.  It’s five-days of non-stop Elvis entertainment.

    Ticket go on sale July 30th at 10:00 AM eastern time.

    Las Vegas Elvis Festival Heart of the King Awards

    Las Vegas Elvis Festival

    July 11-14, 2013

    It’s official!  The Las Vegas Elvis Festival will return to the LVH in 2013.  The four-day Elvis fan festival will include a concert staring Shawn Klush and Cody Slaughter, and the Heart of the King Awards with appearances by Ben Portsmouth and others.  Plus join us for the third Heart of the King Contest where ETAs can compete for $10,000 prizes including a $3,000 going to the champion.

    More information will be posted on a website dedicated to the event soon, but block the dates now and make plans to attend.

    Tickets now on sale!

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  • 17.07.2013                         Myriam Dacquin

    Semaine du 3 au 9 août : Elvis Presley, une histoire américaine / City Songs / Le Guépard / 1968, une autre pensée...


    C'est l'été sur France culture ! Déjà la 3ème semaine...



    du lundi 5 au vendredi 9 août

    9h-12h GRANDE TRAVERSEE / ELVIS PRESLEY par Michel Pomarède / réal : Gilles Mardirossian

    Le 14 janvier 1973, Elvis donne un concert à l’Honolulu International Center. Télévisé dans plus de 40 pays, son show "Aloha from Hawaii" est vu par plus d’un milliard de téléspectateurs. Ce qui en fait à l’époque l’événement le plus regardé de l’histoire, devant les premiers pas sur la lune de Neil Amstrong le 21 juillet 1969. 40 ans après le show planétaire de la star, France Culture revient aux origines du chanteur. Direction : le sud des Etats-Unis. Tupelo, Mississipi, où il naît en 1935 et où il vit jusqu’en 1948, puis Memphis, Tennessee, aux Sun Studio où Elvis en 1954 enregistre une version du blues d’ Arthur Crudup That’s All Right Mama. Sans savoir que c’est l’acte fondateur de la création du rock and roll... A l’époque, le jeune Elvis moqué pour ses origines modestes, objet de préjugés liés à sa fréquentation des églises noires et de son goût  du gospel, incarne une révolution pour la société bien pensante, religieuse et conservatrice du sud. Une société qui a prospéré sur la culture du coton, fondée sur la ségrégation. Elvis bouscule à coups de hanche la musique, les rapports raciaux et les mœurs. Le sud, qui a perdu la guerre de Sécession, y trouvera son intérêt : il tient sa revanche et sa version de l’American dream : un blanc-bec pauvre devient une icône mondiale et riche ! 

    9h-10h Elvis Presley / Archives

    Lundi  L’enfance à Tupelo (1935-1948)

    Mardi Les années Sun Records (1953-1956)

    Mercredi Elvis s’éclipse (1958-1968)

    Jeudi Elvis revient (1969-1977)

    Vendredi La mort d’Elvis (16 août 1977)

    10h-11h Elvis Presley / Documentaires

    Lundi Down by the riverside (les origines d’Elvis)

    Mardi Stuck on you (les fans d’Elvis)

    Mercredi Are you lonesome tonight (Elvis intime)

    Jeudi Burning love (le culte d’Elvis

    Vendredi You are the Devil in disguise (les sosies d’Elvis)

    11h-12h Elvis Presley / Débats

    Lundi Avant Elvis, il n’y avait pas rien !

    Mardi Les enfants du rocks

    Mercredi Elvis rembobiné

    Jeudi Le rock au musée ?

    Vendredi Wanted Elvis

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  • Wanted Elvis!

    09.08.2013 - 11:00                         


     G. Mardirossian © RF

    Elvis est vivant ! Oui, c’est une chose entendue : dans la musique, dans la culture et dans le cœur de ses fans. Un mythe ne meurt jamais, soit . L’Amérique a besoin d’Elvis pour raconter à qui veut l’entendre son antienne histoire de l’american dream…  Encore d’accord. L’anthropologue Gabriel Segré et le documentariste Mathieu Lere dialoguent aussi autour des théories conspirationnistes qui ont la vie dure. Un exemple :  le lendemain de la mort d’Elvis, un certain John Burrows prend un billet d’avion Memphis – Buenos Aires – . Comme par hasard, il s’agit exactement du nom de code utilisé par le chanteur pour réserver ses chambres d’hôtel…On pourrait citer d’autres « preuves » qui nourrissent les fantasmes et qui font que 17 % des américains croient aujourd’hui que le king est vivant…





    Invité(s) :
    Matthieu Lere, documentaliste
    Gabriel Segré, enseignant-chercheur en sociologie à l'université Paris X

    Thème(s) : Arts & Spectacles| Musique| Elvis Presley

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